Although this metal was discovered in 1790, its real potential was only discovered during and immediately after WWII. To turn the tide of war, America had turned to this metal. The country placed its trust in titanium for its invincibility to nature and its light weight; building and launching new aircraft was only possible with this metal of the Titans. Thanks to the super-metal, entire seas were conquered by new, re-imagined Ally ships. German engineering had finally been bested thanks to America's weaponized metal. Titanium was what enabled the Allies to seize victory in the air and sea, with its lighter and stronger version of steel.

From the flames of war, titanium had been fully realized. As with most things, the military passed its spoils to the industry. A powerful weapon gave way to an economic powerhouse. Mother nature itself was outlasted by the resilient metal. Titanium was used in factories across the country, used to transport energy without corroding. Tools in the workbench, the playing field, and on the operating table were replaced by the metal of the Titans. The steel revolution became a fleeting memory for Americans. What was originally built from steel was revolutionized as it suddenly could last lifetimes.

It is only today that we see this metal fit to be worn. To take what ruled the air, the seas, and the American industry and place it on a finger is an incomparable feeling. Little else can contest the ability to wear this treasure of history with us wherever we go. What was once a weapon of both the military and the industry is now a catalyst for art. In whatever brilliant shape you form titanium into; you can still see the reflection of success in its sheen. Generations beyond today's ring-bearers can continue to proudly inherit this nontarnishable metal.

It is today, with Jewelry by Johan, that we can victoriously wrap titanium around our fingers!