Bridal Set With Triangle Meteorite Engagement Ring & Matching Band


This extraordinary bridal set features a very unique engagement ring with a triangle cut meteorite set in a bezel. A matching band is included that features three round cut stones; customize the band with any stones desired. 

RING 1: Triangle Cut Meteorite Engagement Ring (SKU 3423)
Ring Width: 3 mm
Ring Sleeve: 14k White Gold
Ring Profile: Flat
Ring Finish: Polished

Meteorite Stone (Qty: 1)
Shape/Size: Triangle, 7 mm
Setting: Bezel

RING 2: Custom Wedding Band with Three Gemstones (SKU 4913)
Ring Width: 2mm
Ring Sleeve: 14k White Gold
Ring Profile: Flat
Ring Finish: Polished

Moissanite (Qty: 2)
Shape/Size: Round, 2mm
Quality/Color: Lab Created, Colorless DEF
Setting: Bead 

Ruby (Qty: 1)
Shape/Size: Round, 2mm
Quality/Color: Genuine, AA
Setting: Bead


This ring cannot be resized.

To ensure the perfect fit and be covered by our no-cost remake policy, order a custom ring sizer in your presumed ring size.

No idea of your ring size? Use our free ring sizing app. We also offer a free sizing kit for determining your estimated size.

View the Ring Size Conversion Chart for international sizes.

If you don't see your desired ring size available for order, please contact us.


This item can be engraved INSIDE only.

Engraving Service Add-ons:

Our laser Text Engraving is FREE. View all text engraving font options.

We also offer Image Engraving for logos, icons, fingerprints and more.


Please note: Non-metal materials cannot be engraved. This includes materials coated with Ring Armor (wood, antler, crushed materials) and mokume gane. We also cannot engrave rings less than 4mm wide.

SKU: 3423wg14-4913wg14-unknown