Rings are cherished pieces of jewelry, often carrying significant sentimental and monetary value. However, losing a gemstone from your ring can be a distressing experience. Understanding the factors that can lead to a gemstone falling out can help you take steps to prevent it. Here are some key reasons why a gemstone might fall from a ring and how to care for your jewelry to avoid this issue.

Engagement Ring with Loose Stones


Gemstones come loose for a wide variety of reasons. For long-term jewelry like wedding bands and engagement rings, the lifestyle of the wearer can be an important factor. The materials used in construction and the skills of the jeweler also contribute to a gemstone's security. Even the weather can have an effect on stone settings! Here are some of the main elements that can make a gemstone come loose:

1. Gold Purity and Alloy Hardness

The purity of gold and the hardness of the alloy used in the ring significantly impact the security of the gemstone. Pure gold (24K) is relatively soft, making it more prone to bending or deforming, which can loosen the setting. In contrast, gold alloys with lower gold content, such as 10K or 14K, are harder and more durable, providing a more secure hold for the gemstone. When choosing a ring, consider the alloy hardness to ensure a sturdy setting.

2. Stone Setter Skills

The craftsmanship skills of the person setting the stone is crucial. A skilled stone setter ensures that the prongs or bezel are properly aligned and securely hold the gemstone in place. Poor workmanship can result in weak settings, making it more likely for the stone to fall out. When purchasing a ring, ensure it is crafted by a reputable jeweler with experienced stone setters.

An experienced bench jeweler can set a stone that will stand the test of time. Here, the meteorite stone on one of Jewelry by Johan's engagement rings (SKU: 2273) is being secured in a four-prong setting.

3. How You Wear The Ring

Daily activities can affect the ring’s integrity in several ways:

    • Temperature Changes: Exposing the ring to hot and cold water, such as during hand washing, can cause the metal to expand and contract. This thermal cycling can weaken the setting over time, making it easier for the gemstone to fall out.
    • Chemicals: Harsh chemicals from cleaning products or personal care items can degrade the metal and setting structure. It is advisable to remove your ring when using such products to preserve its integrity.

4. Use During Sports

Wearing the ring during physical activities, especially sports, can subject it to significant impacts and stress. This can bend the prongs or bezel, or even cause the setting to break, leading to the gemstone falling out. High-contact sports or activities where the hands are frequently used can be particularly damaging. To prevent this, consider removing your ring during such activities.

5. Normal Wear and Tear

Over time, even the most well-crafted rings can experience wear and tear. The prongs can become thin, bent, or worn down, making them less effective at holding the gemstone securely. Regularly inspect your ring for signs of wear and consider having it professionally checked and maintained by a jeweler to ensure the settings remain secure.

6. Accidental Bumps and Knocks

Accidental impacts, such as knocking your ring against a hard surface, can damage the setting. This can cause the prongs to bend or break, increasing the risk of the gemstone falling out. Being mindful of your movements and avoiding situations where your ring might be exposed to such impacts can help protect your jewelry.


Design and Setting Style

The design and setting style of the ring can also influence the security of the gemstone. Some settings, like bezel settings, provide more protection as they encircle the gemstone completely. In contrast, prong settings, especially those with fewer prongs, can be more susceptible to damage. When selecting a ring, consider the design and how it might affect the gemstone's security.

This aspen wood engagement ring (SKU 2418) secures its center stone with a robust six-prong setting.

Six white gold prongs secure the Moissanite in this handmade meteorite solitaire.

More traditional styles look fantastic with extra prongs, too: This classical Moissanite engagement ring (SKU: 4278) is crafted in 14k rose gold and features six prongs on the main stone.

Extra prongs add a nice look to less conventional designs too! The Moissanite on this music-inspired ring (SKU: 4757) features six prongs for looks and security.

Bezel settings are the most secure, as they protect all the angular edges and points of a stone from getting caught and pulled loose (SKU: 5030).

Similar to bezel settings, the flush setting on this meteorite and dino bone wedding band (SKU 5215) protects the stone from every angle.

The Role of Platinum

Platinum is an excellent choice for stone settings due to its durability and strength. Platinum prong settings, for instance, are renowned for their ability to securely hold gemstones.

Platinum Engagement Ring with 4 Prongs

This platinum engagement ring's center stone is securely held with 4 prongs (SKU: 3671).

Unlike gold, platinum is less likely to bend or wear down over time, offering superior protection for your gemstones. For more details on the benefits of platinum prong settings, you can refer to this GIA article.

The Role of Gallery Rails

One often overlooked component in ring design is the gallery rail. This element connects the prongs, adding extra security to the setting. Gold itself is very soft, and prongs alone may not be sufficient to hold a stone securely.

Gallery rails around a gemstone can help protect a stone's setting.

The gallery rail reinforces the setting, making it more robust. Especially if a ring has only four prongs, the absence of a gallery rail can make it easier for the stone to fall out if one of the prongs moves even slightly. When selecting a ring, consider designs that include a gallery rail for added security.


By understanding these factors, you can better care for your ring and minimize the risk of losing the gemstone. Choose rings made with durable alloys, ensure skilled craftsmanship, be mindful of how you use your ring daily, and consider the benefits of a gallery rail in the design. Additionally, regular maintenance and inspections by a professional jeweler can help identify and fix potential issues before they lead to gemstone loss. With these precautions, you can enjoy your precious jewelry with greater peace of mind.

For more information on ring care or to explore our secure and beautifully crafted jewelry, shop Jewelry By Johan's unique engagement rings.

Tagged: Gemstones